Though the little car shouldn't have forced this... the trucker is at fault for not preventing a collision that was avoidable.
The National Safety Council, defines a preventable collision as one in which the driver failed to do everything that they reasonably could have done to avoid it.
The American Trucking Association, uses the following rule to determine the preventability of a collision: “Was the vehicle driven in such a way to make due allowance for the conditions of the road, weather, and traffic and to also assure that the mistakes of other drivers did not involve the driver in a collision?”
Here on this video you can see that the trucker didn't back off, allow the car in, and prevent the collision.
I bet everyone knows that the most important rule in every US state is that you are guilty if you could have reasonably done something to prevent a collision, and didn't.
That's the law. You are at fault anytime you could have prevented a collsion and didn't. Found on
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